Army Good Conduct Medal and Ribbon, Reguar Size For Sale

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Army Good Conduct Medal and Ribbon, Reguar Size:
AR 600–8–22 • 19 January 2024
Army Good Conduct Medal4–1. Army Good Conduct Medal intentThe AGCM was established by EO 8809, 28 June 1941 and was amended by EO 9323, EO 1943, andEO 10444, 10 April 1953. It is awarded for exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity in active Federalmilitary service. It is awarded on a selective basis to each Soldier who distinguishes themselves from theirfellow Soldiers by exemplary conduct, efficiency, and fidelity throughout a specified period of continuousenlisted active Federal military service, as outlined in this chapter. There is no right or entitlement to themedal until the immediate commander has approved the award and the award has been announced inPOs. Active Federal military service includes all periods of active duty and AGR service and, except forservice creditable for the AFRM, excludes periods of ADT and full-time training duty. Service as a cadet atthe U.S. Military Academy is considered to be active Federal military service for the purposes of militaryawards and decorations.4–2. Personnel eligible for the Army Good Conduct MedalPersonnel eligible for the AGCM are as follows:a. Regular Component enlisted Soldiers.b. Enlisted AGR personnel serving on extended periods of active duty (other than for training) 10 USCand 32 USC are eligible for award of the AGCM for qualifying service beginning on or after 1 September1982, provided no period of the service has been duplicated by the same period of service for which theSoldier has been awarded the Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal (ARCAM). The AGCMqualification period may commence anytime during the 3 years immediately preceding the 1 September1982 effective date, provided no portion of service for the AGCM is included in a period of service forwhich the ARCAM was awarded.c. Ready Reserve enlisted personnel ordered to active duty under 10 USC (see glossary).d. Retroactively, to eligible Army of the United States enlisted personnel.4–3. Award approval authority for the Army Good Conduct Medala. Unit commanders are authorized to award the AGCM to Army enlisted personnel serving under theircommand jurisdiction who meet the established criteria. Where necessary, to correct conflicting or duplicate awards, previously issued general orders or POs may be revoked and new orders published by theunit commanders, citing this paragraph as authority.b. The transition centers will review the records of enlisted personnel being separated to determinewhether they qualify for the AGCM. Where possible, reasonable effort should be made to contact the unitcommander before awarding the medal to qualified Servicemembers.c. See paragraph 4–10 for retroactive award approval authority.4–4. Basis for Army Good Conduct Medal approvalThe immediate unit commander’s decision to award the AGCM will be based on their personal knowledgeof, and the individual’s official records for, periods of service under previous commanders during the period for which the award is to be made.4–5. Qualifying periods of service for the Army Good Conduct MedalAny one of the following periods of continuous enlisted active Federal military service qualifies for awardof the AGCM or an AGCM Clasp (see app E in conjunction with the criteria in para 4–6):a. Each 3 years completed on or after 27 August 1940.b. For first award only, 1 year served entirely during the period 7 December 1941 to 2 March 1946.c. For first award only, upon termination of service on or after 27 June 1950, of less than 3 years butmore than 1 year. Subsequent awards must be for a completion of 3 years of continuous enlisted activeFederal military service.d. For first award only, upon termination of service, on or after 27 June 1950, of less than 1 year whenfinal separation was by reason of physical disability incurred in line of duty.e. For first award only, for those individuals who died before completing 1 year of active Federal military service or if the death occurred in the line of duty.4–6. Qualifying eligibility criteria for the Army Good Conduct MedalThroughout a qualifying period, each enlisted Soldier must meet all the following criteria for an award:a. The immediate commander evaluates the Soldier’s character as above reproach.b. The record of service indicates that the Soldier has—(1) Willingly complied with the demands of the military environment.(2) Been loyal and obedient to their superiors.(3) Faithfully supported the goals of their organization and the Army.(4) Conducted themselves in an exemplary manner as to distinguish them from fellow Soldiers.c. While any record of non-judicial punishment or unfavorable action could be in conflict with recognizing the Soldier’s service as exemplary, such record should not be viewed as automatically disqualifying.The commander will analyze the record, giving consideration to the nature of the infraction and the circumstances under which it occurred and when.d. Suspension of favorable personnel action does not automatically terminate the eligibility period. Thereason for suspension must be considered by the unit commander (for example, an adverse action flagmay disqualify the eligibility period, whereas a flag for weight control program that results in a Soldierachieving Army standards typically does not result in disqualification). The approving commander mustconsider the totality of the Soldier’s performance.e. In terms of job performance, the Soldier’s efficiency must be evaluated and must meet all requirements and expectations for that Soldier’s grade, MOS, and experience.4–7. Disqualification for the Army Good Conduct Medala. Conviction by courts-martial terminates a period of qualifying service. A new period begins the following day after completion of the sentence imposed by the court-martial.b. Individuals whose retention is not warranted or for whom a bar to reenlistment has been approvedunder the provisions of AR 601–280 are not eligible for award of the AGCM.c. Individuals whose retention is not warranted under standards prescribed in AR 380–67 are not eligible for award of the AGCM.d. The commander will prepare a memorandum when they determine the Soldier is not qualified stating the rationale for their decision. This memorandum will include the period of disqualification and will bereferred to the individual according to AR 600–37. The unit commander will consider the affected individual’s statement. If the commander’s decision remains the same, the records manager will upload thememorandum and the individual statement for filing in the Soldier’s AMHRR. If the commander’s decisionto disqualify is based upon an open investigation, a disqualification memorandum should not be preparedand placed into the Soldier’s AMHRR until the investigation is complete.e. Disqualification for an award of the AGCM can occur at any time during a qualifying period (for example, when manner of performance or efficiency declines). The staff personnel officer will establish thenew beginning date for the Soldier’s eligibility for award of the AGCM and enter the new date and code onthe Soldier’s AMHRR. These procedures do not apply if Soldier is disqualified under the provisions of paragraph 4–7b.4–8. Additional implementing instructionsa. Qualifying periods of service must be continuous enlisted active Federal military service. When aninterval in excess of 24 hours occurs between enlistments, that portion of service before the interruption isnot creditable toward an award.b. Release from enlisted status for entry into service as a cadet or midshipman at any U.S. Serviceacademy or discharge from enlisted status for immediate entry on active duty in an officer status is considered termination of service for awarding the AGCM. A minimum of 12 months enlisted service is required and must have been completed for first award of the AGCM (see para 4–5). Otherwise, the full 3years of qualifying enlisted service is required.c. A qualified person scheduled for separation from active Federal military service should receive theaward at their last duty station. In such cases, the AGCM will be processed as follows:(1) The award is authorized up to 30 days before the Soldier’s departure enroute to a transition centerin the continental United States or overseas.(2) For Soldiers who are granted terminal leave prior to retirement or expiration term of service, ordersawarding second and subsequent awards of the AGCM may be issued up to 90 days before retirement orexpiration term of service date.(3) Orders announcing such advance awards will indicate the closing date for the award prefixed withdate of separation, on or about, as the response to the “dates or period of service” lead line (for example,from 31 October 2013 to date of separation on or about 30 October 2016).d. An award made for any authorized period of less than 3 years must be for the total period of obligated active Federal military service. This applies to first award only. All other awards of the AGCM require 3 full years qualifying service.e. Discharge under provisions of AR 635–200 for immediate re-enlistment is not termination of service.4–9. Army Good Conduct Medal policya. DA Form 4950 (The Good Conduct Medal) may be presented to enlisted Soldiers only on the following occasions:(1) Concurrent with the first award of the AGCM earned on or after 1 January 1981.(2) Concurrent with retirement on or after 1 January 1981.b. When presented at retirement, DA Form 4950 will reflect the last approved award of the AGCMearned by the Soldier before retirement. The number of the last earned will be centered immediately beneath the line “The Good Conduct Medal” (for example, “Sixth Award”). The period shown on the certificate will be the period cited in the last award earned by the Soldier. The words “Upon His Or Her Retirement” may be typed below the Soldier’s name.c. DA Form 4950 will not be presented for second or subsequent awards of the AGCM except as provided in paragraph 4–9a(2).4–10. Rules and steps for processing the Army Good Conduct MedalParagraph E–1 and table E–1 prescribe mandatory procedures for processing recommendations for theAGCM.